Mighty Monsters Wiki
Taming gem
Coral Crest
Taming gem
Coral crest card

Coral Crest is the fifth of the Quest Islands you encounter.

It is locked prior to the completion of the main quest on Puzzling Pyramid

Like all islands, There are Normal, Hard, and Heroic Modes


You will find the following monsters : (Incomplete?)



Fire Spirit Minirex
Water Shiffoal Mallet Tentaclag Pribbet Surfynn
Ice Orcorona
Flying Taktikyl
Electric Energeel Einhorn
Rock Gulper








Coral Crest has 10 screens, all of which you must progress through.

Within those screens you will find

  • 3 Clashes
    • 2x2 Clash
    • 1x3 Clashes
  • 17 Monster Battles
    • 13 Mandatory Battles
    • 4 Optional Battles
  • 16 Clearable Bushes
    • 4 Mandatory Bushes
    • 12 Optional Bushes
  • 14 Treasure Chests

Screen by Screen Detail[]

CC Map

Coral Crest Map

Screen 1[]

Contains only a clash with Danny

The clash with Danny involves battling 2 monsters - Mallet (W) and Burrowurm (R). Like all Clash battles, neither of Danny's monsters are tameable.

Screen 2[]

Contains 3 battles, all of which must be completed to open the door to the next screen. There is also 1 optional bush to clear, and 1 treasure chest.

Screen 3[]

Contains 1 battle and 1 bush, as well as 2 optional bushes, 1 optional battle and 3 treasure chests.

Screen 4

Contains 1 battle and 1 bush, as well as 2 optional bushes, 1 optional battle and 2 treasure chests.

Screen 5[]

Contains a clash with Gilmour, as well as 1 optional bush and 1 treasure chest.

The clash involves fighting Gilmour's 2 monsters, Trutts (W), and Lizadriss (W)

Screen 6[]

Contains 3 battles, all of which must be completed to open the door to the next screen. There is also 1 optional bush to clear, and 1 treasure chest.

Screen 7[]

Contains 2 seperate paths, both of which require clearing at least 1 bush. Path 1, through the middle, contains 1 battle and 1 additional bush. This path opens access to 1 optional bush and 1 treasure chest. Path 2, around the outside, contains 1 battle and 1 treasure chest. (note: the chest from path 2 can be reached via path 1 with no additional energy spent)

Screen 8[]

Contains 3 battles, all of which must be completed to open the door to the next screen. There is also 1 optional bush to clear, and 1 treasure chest.

Screen 9[]

Contains 1 battle and 1 bush, as well as 2 optional bushes, 1 optional battle and 3 treasure chests.

Screen 10[]

Contains only your final clash with Allison

The clash with Allison involves battling 3 monsters - Spora (Plant), Octoggle (W), and Lomm (W).
